Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?

I just read this on Facebook and had to include it in my post.  What if? Somedays I would be golden, but days like today I would be left with nothing...except the fact that I wasn't late to work...and that isn't exactly something important in the big scheme of things.  I am about to print this off and put it on my bulletin board and encourage all of you to put it somewhere you can see it too, because it is so true.

Now, bloggity blog time.


This is what Spain looks like when I leave my house at 7:30 AM.

Other than that fun fact...I adore my job!! The teachers are great, the kids are adorable, my counterpart (Manu, the english teacher) is really fun AND my principals are WONDERFUL! I literally LOVE my job...  
Minus the commute...
I leave my house at 7:30, pick up the bus at 8, get to El Pedroso at 9:30, work until 2...then is when life gets tricky...The bus doesn't come until 4:30 soooo Juan Carlos (principal) asked around and the first day I went with a car pool group from the High School.  The only problem is they don't get out until 3.  So I waited at the school and slept in the car haha. They dropped me off right on the outskirts of Sevilla around 4:15, but it was only about 20 min walking to my house, no pasa nada (nothing happened, it doesn't matter, no problem) so I was officially home right before 5.  Wellll, today we tried something different and I rode home with another professor from our school that lives outside of Sevilla.  So I left at 2 when we finished, BUT I had to sit and wait at a bus stop (on a side street in this small town) for 45 minutes, so I ended up finally getting to Sevilla at 4 and the same 20ish minutes walking...So I saved myself 15 minutes, but also paid for the bus and waited on the street, sooooo I am hoping I can still revert to option 1 tomorrow...It ended up working out better! I am accepting that I don't get done until 5.  I already told my friends that we can't be friends M-W.  Only on the weekends...I'm exhausted by the time I get home. 

Miss yall as alwaysss!!

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