Friday, December 2, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside.

20 day Countdown.

In honor of Christmas and me being home super soooonnn, I will give you a 20 things I am excited about doing when I get home/miss about home.

1. Duh, friends & family. No question. Can't wait to see you guys--even those of you who don't read this.
2. My bed. My warm, cozy, comfy, bed with my nice big pottery barn blanket on top! Literally CANNOT wait....
3. I know it's in the same realm, but if you know me, you know I am a FREAK about my pillow.  So I think a good fluffy pillow deserves it's own number. I think mine is the best and I never sleep as good of a night without it or one extremely fluffy.  Blame my father and his need to have his same pillow for years until he gave it to me because I loved it just as much... (don't worry, its not the same pillow from my youth, I just have a pillow type).
4. Chick-fil-a.
5. Fire: fireplaces, smores, camp fires, etc.
6. My mom making me get out of my warm bed for church.  We have a system.  She wakes me, I refuse to get up, I whine, she tries again, I complain, she makes me, I say I don't want to go, she says fine I'm leaving in 5 minutes with or without you.  That is the wake up call. I brush my teeth, put an outfit together, attempt to tame my hair and we leave 15 minutes later.  Always a little late, but always together :)
7. A DRYER. I can't stress this...I will definitely say this list is in no order because if it was this would probabbllyyy be number 1.  In the summer I always leave thinking how energy efficient Spain is and how I actually like that we don't use dryers.  I have this spirit of doing good inside me...That's because in the summer the sun is baking the clothes dry, so you run one errand, eat lunch, take a nap, whatever you choose and come back to dry, warm clothes.  Winter is a WHOLE different matter. I would kill for a dryer.  Literally. Now I put my clothes out and wait days...if I don't catch it at the exact moment they are dry then the process starts over again thanks to morning dew/dampness...I give up most of the time... I have 2 shirts on the roof that have been there since Sunday...still damp this morning. Yay.  I  can't wait to put my sweats and t-shirts in the dryer and put them on immediately with that warm toasty feeling I haven't felt in 6 months.  Ahhhhh! Can't WAIT!
8. On the topic of being warm... HEAT! I love how I can walk around my house in shorts and a t-shirt in the winter no matter how cold it is outside.  For example, I am sitting in my room wishing I had gloves on right now because it is colder inside than outside...
9. Los Mex. (...and other varieties of mexican food, but my heart will always be with Los Mex).
10. ABC Family's 25 Days of Christmas.  Mommy, PLEASE dvr some cheesy movies from here and Lifetime!!! I am a SUCKER for these movies.  I love the countdown, I love it all.  In celebration my friend Taylor & I watched The Santa Claus last night on my computer...not the same experience but close!
11. Being okay with staying in, more than okay, being HAPPY to stay in.  At home, lazy days are the best... here. not so much.  trust me.  i've been sick so i've been home all week...NO FUN. AT ALL. It's different with your heat, collection of movies, not having to worry about the movie stopping halfway through because of a bad internet connection...
12. Driving. Having the ability to get from point a to point b without walking in the cold or paying at least 1.50
13. Food variety.  And cheap food variety... I can't wait for home cooking, for good restaurants, I miss knowing what I want and where to get it... If i'm in the mood for a certain type of food, I know where to go... here I love the food, but I don't know the restaurants well enough to just knowwww, other than tapas....
14. Lemonade & Sweet Tea.
15. MY PUPPIES!!! omg: KK, Lady & COOPS, I will be home sooo very soon to snuggle and invade your personal space, don't you worry, woof woof :)
16. HUGS!!! big, good, long hugs!  Dos besos (2 kisses) are great and all, but I miss just wrapping my arms around my love ones and it not being weird.
17. Stephanie's homemade chocolate chip cookies...melting in my mouth as we speak.
18. Sitting on the porch with Granny and looking over the water while she drinks coffee and me freezing my hands off with my sweet tea :)
19. Hearing choo choo yelp and growl at me for getting to close to Nana. 
20. The feeling of Christmas in the's Christmas-y here but not the same.  Just not the same. I can't wait to see all of you and celebrate together!!!

I'm sure there are a million things I forgot to mention that I am super pumped about  but these were the first that came to mind...I mean honestly, I could have done a full entry on food.......

Okay since this is already a super long entry I'll just keep it going with what's going on in my life this upcoming month or so:

1. Tomorrow morning at 4:30, I am heading to get on a bus for AFRICAAAA. Whoop Whoop! We get back super late the 7th... Soooo if you don't hear from me that's why.  Won't have my phone and most likely no internet.  Once we get night we are leaving our stuff at a hotel and hoping on camels to go through the Sahara to stay in a desert hotel...super pumped.  No need for cars...I'll have my camel. Thanks.
2. I leave to meet John in Germany the following week.  We are then going snowboarding in Switzerland then back to Espana.  It's going to be bring your little brother to work with you week... I decided. Andddd thennnn we fly home together the 22nd.  Whoop Whoop!
3. National Championship in NOLA (I will cry if the big meanie polls take this away from me)
4. Baccckkkk toooo Spainnnn on the 13th-ish?


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