Saturday, September 24, 2011

Poland Part 2 and The Start of Something New.

Okay woowwww, I just realized how behind I am so I will try to update tomorrow also more about SEvilla and my trip around southern Spain with the parentals.  Also, I just decided never to write an entry on my iPod again, because my grammar choices are mortifying...I mean I already write this as an email instead of a paper; therefore, have poor grammar choices many times...BUT THAT was HORRIBLEEEE.  I edited a few slight things just so I didn't die of embarrassment, but's pretty bad.

For now I will complete my Poland story.

Can I just start by saying I am so unbelievably blessed by God? I just want to remind ya'll that I found this family ON THE INTERNET.  We all realize how bad that potentially could have been, but how incredible it is in reality.

I am going to attempt to make this brief about Poland, but I will say that I enjoyed my last week in Poland in extreme amounts.  While the kids were at school, I was able to spend some (much needed) quality time with Veronica.  We are constantly (both) all about the kids that sometimes we forget to take time to be together so this was very, very fun! She gave me a cooking class everyday.  We would put Jack Johnson, Michael Buble or Norah Jones on the computer and just cook together, laugh & enjoy each others company.  Then the kids would come home from school and we would go on a bike ride (Side Note: MENCIA LEARNED TO RIDE HER BIKE!! with the cutest, happiest smile of course! She would look up at me and say, "I'm doing a good job?" And I, of course, would say, "You are doing better than every other kid in the whole wide world! You are so smart Mencia!!!!") or take a long walk or just play in the yard.  But whatever we did, I was completely fulfilled because I was spending time with my kiddos.  I was an EMOTIONAL wreck the last week. I cried every single day... I cried watching them play, I cried picking them up from school, I cried reading them bed time stories.  I didn't even get frustrated when they wouldn't didn't matter because I knew my time was ending :(

Why do kids grow up so fast? The next time I turn around she will be learning to drive a CAR!!!!

I made everyone cards & framed pictures of us together.  For Marcelito, the envelope said "My Star: Marcelo".  He is, he is.  He always helps me with everything and I told him he was like my personal North Star showing me the way.  He's at that age where farts & smelly things are the FUNNIEST thing in the world & he loves jokes so I happened to find a book entitled: Smelly Jokes.  Haha, he loved it! But it's in English so he can't understand all of them--HECK, I can't understand all of them!  I know he will learn soon enough and will be explaining them to me.  For Gonzalo, "My heart: Gonzalo".  He is the most loving child ever. Plus he gives the best hugs and sweetest kisses. I got him this cool sticker book that is a workbook, but the questions can all be answered with the stickers in the back of the book! This can also be considered homework for my 5 year old stud, because it is written in English. :) For Mencia, "My smile: Mencia".  She is the reason that I smile, my all-time favorite laugh and I cry at every single picture I see of her...I miss that hood-rat more than I can express.  I miss them all more than I can express.  I am counting down the days until I see them in Madrid (33 days if you were wondering...)

The start of something new.

That is about as cheesy of a title as it gets.  ESPECIALLY if you know where it came from....High School Musical (hottie Zac Effron sings it with his gf). You realize that I am the all time COOLEST person ever, right?

I live in a 3 story house (RARE in Spain) with EIGHT people.  Haha, helloooo Gallettes house last year! But my room is pretty large for a room in Spain and my roommates are all cool.  2 spanish, 2 italian, 2 english (me & the other is from England), 1 french and supposedly another italian is coming...I just don't know when.

I am still trying to make friends and I just feel like it is rush...I feel like I am constantly just smiling (even when I have a million things going on in my head) and smilingggg and my smile can be interpreted as: Please, Please, PLEASEEEE be my friend!! Haha.  This year is different than any of my other experiences in Spain.  I knew that for sure coming into it, but I didn't realize it in this way...I knew the obvious things, hey I am going to be there a year.  Hey, I am going to miss my family and friends tons.  Hey, I need to make a decision about my life while I am there.  Hey, I am not going to be living with a family. HEY, I NEED TO LEARN TO COOOKKKK!! But not ONCE, did I's easy to pick up and come for a summer, it's fun. I have never had any problem meeting friends JUST like me that are pumped to spend a summer in Europe...the thing is....not that many of those people "like me" are willing to pick up and come for a year.  Entoncessss (meaning sooooooo in Espanol), I am finding it a whole heck of a lot more difficult to make friends. I am at this point right now where I feel like I just don't fit in.... I could use serious prayers and love right now.  If you want to send me some love in the way of a card, I would LOVE that too! You can email me ( for my address or just ask my mommy or daddy.

Love you all tons and MISS you more than I can express!!
BUT a piece of exciting news is that I AM looking up prices for coming home Christmas :) No promises, but if I can find a good deal...I will be seeing you all!! YAYYY

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