Saturday, September 10, 2011

Poland, part one.

Dzien dobry

Or as I would say "Jean doe-bray". This means good morning in polish and is used like we say hello :)

Sorry my updates have been non existent but so was the Internet, sooo here is my Poland update that I wrote on my iPod to post at a later date... Now is the later date!!

There are a few things about Warsaw that I will remember that have nothing to do with Poland...

1. Internet.
You see, we didn't have Internet at the house because of the lack of a power line... So you can imagine how I am doing without my "addiction" as Vero and Marcelo call it (and that's completely valid). So as you can guess I decided after a few days I was going to find it. So as I mentioned earlier I found an open wifi at the store Home Sweet Home, butttt it was across the main road so I couldn't always access it. Sooo I was on a mission to find something closer. I walked around holding my iPod in the air looking for some family that didn't put a password on their account and finally found one ONLY 3 min away!!! Soo pumped! The first day I'm on the phone with Stephanie planning details of our trip when I see this lady walking towards me... There is only one thought in my head, "please don't live here, please don't live here.." Funny story... She did. So here I am leaning against her fence, stealing her Internet... Needless to say she gave me a look, a very confused look. I started pretending my iPod was my telephone and cut the conversation off, then proceeded to just walk away (while still pretending to be on my phone...) Strike one. The next day comes and I'm super excited to go back to "the grape house" (name of wifi). I walk up and start checking email and responding. Of course we all know how my luck streak works soooo OF COURSE today as I'm stealing the family Internet... The children walk outside and give me the same bewildered look. ..Strike two. I was persistent and didn't care how desperate I looked... I went back. This time the dad saw me. Yet again, I received the look. But still no words, so I think I'm in the clear... Wrong, that was strike three and following day I realized I was out of the game... They put a password on the Internet. Idk how they figured it out because I was very subtle. Especially since when the dad saw me I was sitting on the curb with my laptop emailing John his resume instead of using my iPod... Haha, of course I found new spots to steal, but come on. You know that's embarrassing.

2. Chocolate. If you know me, I'm sure you are shocked. I'm not like every other girl... I actually CAN say no to chocolate. I prefer fruity candy or sour stuff. I only like chocolate if it's on a Reese cup or something where chocolate isn't the only flavor. Last summer mencia ate milk chocolate all the time and it was the first time in my life I had eaten plain chocolate by itself. Well, this summer I have eaten a little more, but in Poland I traded my Internet addiction for chocolate being my new vice. Marcelo's mom stayed for a week and in the airport bought a box of Lindt mini chocolates. When she first asked me if I wanted some, I said no (and then I thought to myself .. but I would love to open the kids peanut m&ms...), but then our flight was delayed and boredom set in. At the next offer I said yes and then again and again. The week continued like this. I found myself thinking about chocolate. I ate dark chocolate, milk chocolate with and without almonds, white chocolate... Anything you can imagine. And then I found myself realizing I am now like every other female with a full-fledged addiction to chocolate. I am even eating chocolate ice cream!!!! Who am I?????!!!!

3. Uniforms. I used to love that essay prompt about whether or not we should allow uniforms in school. I always wrote yes because it was much easier to write and the points are much stronger, but in reality I always feared we would have them. I stayed firm on my decision that I did absolutely, positively NOT want uniforms, no matter how convincing my essay was. I liked to express myself through my wardrobe (or to be lazy and throw on jeans and a sweatshirt at the last second). Buttttt, As I dressed my sweet babies in their new "The British School" uniforms for their first day of school I realized how much i want my kids to wear them. Aside from all the obvious reasons we should have them (I.e. Social status isn't evident, no need to fight over what to wear, etc) they are so stinking cute!!! OMG. it should be mandatory EVERYWHERE.

Beyond precious right?

I'll write more later actually about Poland and our stay but for now I am going to try to nap.

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