Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Galcia: Stitches, sunsets & first steps

Okay I've been promising Galicia deets forever and have yet to write soooo I finally have pictures sooo leh go. There are 3 parts to every story. The beginning, the middle, the end. Mine starts wonderfully :)

(One of the beaches we visited)
Part 1: Stitches
We arrived back at the house late Friday and were leaving for Galicia early Sunday (which spanish early is a little different than ours- we were aiming to leave by 11:30). That gives us one day to wash everything and repack. Keep in mind vero and Marcelo are going to have another one day when we return to leave for Poland so they are also running around doing a million other things. I have impeccable timing.... I am in the garden playing hide and go seek w the kids and obviously way too competitive so as I am running rapidly to base I cut my leg on a cement bench. We're talking ripped my shorts, blood dripping down my leg, and as vero so graciously put it "your meat is hanging out". I have brothers so duh my first reaction is that I just need to clean it and a band-aid but vero says no, straight to the hospital. I'm freaking out a little in my head but trying to show no signs of panic. I've never been to the emergency room. I've never had stitches. And best of all I'm in Spain where I swear medicine is 10 years behind us (no offense to any Spanish readers, but it's legit). So we go... The hospital looks like a pediatricians office and the room I'm in makes me feel like I'm at the dentist. It's very calm and relaxed as the doctor numbs my leg. "You only need one stitch" okay, no big deal. "well maybe two." I ended up with 5 and happily left the doctor. No big deal at all. I was fine, barely felt any pain and it's kind of embarrassing bc everyone was so worried and my cut is like an inch long hahahah.

Part 2: SUnsets.
We stayed at a vineyard, absolutely beautiful and HIGHLY recommend to anyone traveling to Spain. Family owned and the people are great, food is awesome and the accommodations are phenomenal! ( The beaches you can only imagine in your dreams, the ocean is this shade of blue that can't be bottled. Trust me, if I could find it I would paint w it alllllll day :)  The waves crashing in, this constant nice breeze combined with a hot sun. Granted the water is like ice, but it doesn't matter, so worth it. Best of all, the most breath-taking sunsets every night. I couldn't tell you about the sunrise because we actually slept until 9:30 or 10 everyday!! Waahoooo.

Part 3: First steps.
Casilda can walk!! I was there screaming for her parents like a crazy person, so so so cool.

Seriously, how adorable is that?

All in all our trip was great. All of Veronica and Marcelo's friends are great. They are so lucky. Not only do they make great company for them, they are all so kind to me.... And funny, very, very funny. They all wanted to help me a ton with my spanish, but I was getting so frustrated that I didn't maximize the potential learning experience presented. You live, you learn.

Yes, this is an enchanted life we live over here, buttttttt before you enter depression, they are a normal family also with screaming and crying children, but since I always document the perfection I dedicate these next couple of photos to life's imperfections.
(That child in the corner pouting....Gonzalo.)

Marcelo in time-out

Still pretty perfect

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