Monday, October 10, 2011

Qué suerte!

It means, "How lucky!" That is something I say CONSTANTLY over here.   ...However, I NEVER hear people say that to me..  I am severely cursed. Too many broken mirrors, walking under ladders & don't get me started on the fact that i OWN a black cat...Don't get me wrong, I am lucky enough to have a wonderful, supporting group of loved ones, but that falls more under the umbrella of being blessed.  When it comes to the true, actual, winning-the-lottery type of luck --Let's just say, luck has never been in my favor.  

Example #1: Today was one of those days.  I woke up relatively early, got dressed, grabbed breakfast to go and start walking.  I still haven't figured out the exact timetable of how long it takes me to get to my bus stop so I started the walk at a fast speed, speed walking if you will, and then as I started to pace got slower because with one look at my phone I realized I was doing PERFECT on time.  My bus comes at 8:10 and leaves at about 8:11 and 30 seconds.  It was "8:06" when I arrived at the spot, but the 3 other regulars were no where to be found.  Yet again, I have only taken the bus from this particular stop 2X, so there is always room for error on my part. Well, I wait.  8:10 comes & goes so I start to get a little nervous...I pull out my iPod to see if I could grab internet on the road and the clock says: 8:17 AM.  Impossible.  My clock says 8:11... I think you can guess where the story goes from here.  But there is more...I tried to call Juan Carlos (my principal) and his phone wasn't working!!! Then I called my friend Lindsey to look up the train schedule and we couldn't find it. Sooooo, I had to book it the 20 min back to my house and email him. Everything is fine and I am going to work Thursday instead, but still.....suerte isn't my thannnggg.

Example #2: Partially bad luck, majorly unprepared.  I didn't check in for my Barcelona flight until 10 PM the night before, but this is when I see in red, DON'T FORGET TO PRINT OFF YOUR BOARDING PASS! My friends Allie & Alex were at my house and told me that they heard RyanAir makes you pay 40 euro for a boarding pass at the gate.  Great thing about spain is noone I know has a isn't the same necessity here because A. Spain is green, so if you can do it online the better, B. they just run to a copy store or print it off at work...lucky for me all the copy stores close before 10...I start to look at Fees on and they said that if you book online the re issue of a boarding pass fee is n/a and if you book at the airport or at a city center it is 40 euro...I save the screen and my boarding pass on my iPod for the airport in the morning (after desperately calling everyone I know in Sevilla for help at this late hour on a Thurs when EVERYONE is out...).  I get to the airport and the lady tells me I have to pay 40 euro for the boarding pass...I show her my iPod & the page of fees and she tells me that is incorrect and I tell her that is on her web page so I don't understand how that can be incorrect unless they updated it this morning...Needless to say, I will be sending an email to RyanAir and probably NEVER see my money again, but still...I can't just sit by. That is RIDICULOUS!! For those of you who do not know the conversion: 40 euro = $53.48 + the international service fee for using a credit card...So at the end of the day I spent almost $55 ON A PIECE OF PAPER!!!!! That was A TON of my spending money when I make NO MONEY here and don't get paid until NOVEMBER 1....ahhhhh, I'm still heated about the situation, obviously...buttttt. it. was. seriously. un-cool.

But on a bright note, I had a blast in Barcelona and spent some time with Tom which made my day..and yeah. The festival was incredible :)


pictures to come!

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