Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I will start this with a huge round of applause to people reading this that happen to be parents.  Also, to the kids reading this, thank your parents for all they did for you and sacrificed for you when you were little (no matter how trivial).  Seriously. And following my own advice:  THANK YOU MOMMY, THANK YOU DADDY, THANK YOU DEE, THANK YOU STEPHANIE!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU ALL.

Okay, I'm sure you are wondering "Where did all this come from?"

Obviously I am with the kids everyday, all day, so I think this a lot, but this morning especially because I went to Blanca & Grant's to help get the boys ready for camp at 7 this morning.  They were of course EXTREMELY sluggish and we were a little late.  I get home and everything is peaceful and quiet.  Normal day it seems, correct?  Now let me rewind to yesterday....Veronica went because we decided to take turns.  She got the boys to camp ON TIME (miracle getting them awake and Gon to eat breakfast) THEN came home to chaos.  Marcelo sleeps as hard as I do soooo needless to say we missed a few things here.  I wake up to the kids crying....Mencia didn't go back to sleep and decided to crawl in Casilda's crib and wake her up.  Cas normally sleeps at least another hour and in Spain Men sleeps until 10.....it's crazy here.  The thing is there is something about a mother that can do it ALLL.  I am just the babysitter.  I can only do so much because if they are hurt or tired they only want "Mama" and that is completely universal.  Also, I watch both parents run late for things because kids are slow or don't get to do what they want to because the kids don't.  They obviously don't mind, but those missed opportunities add up.  As an adult on the outside, I completely remember doing the EXACT same things.  Every time I see Marcelo pick up the oldest or carry Mencia for an extended time, I think...and that is why my dad has a bad back. (Sorry Daddy!!)

In conclusion, Parents are awesome.  Although, I must say children are too.

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